Victorian State Van Titles
November 23 & 24
Transvaal Square
Eastern Beach Rd, Geelong

Again the Van Council of Victoria is hosting the annual Victorian
Panel Van State Titles in conjunction with the Geelong Revival
Motoring Festival, the entrants of the past 2 years have loved
having it held here as there is endless entertainment for all
motoring enthusiasts, with drag racing, multiple stalls, and
a short walk from the center of Geelong.
do encourage all to attend the 2 days with Saturday being a
display day and Sunday being the official show and shine. with
Awards Ceremony being held at the VCV Marquee at 2:30 (time
may change pending number of vans on show.)
due to security reasons we do ask that vans be taken off site
Saturday night. We also ask if you can to be onsite by 8:30
and stay until all the Drag racing is finished about 5pm. although
if this is not possible please reach out we can be flexible.
keep this a very low cost event for people we haven't made it
into a major weekend event. however for those who want to travel
and stay, there is accommodation still at multiple caravan parks
or motels/hotels around Geelong, or Geelong showgrounds do offer
camping as well. For those who know any of the Geelong Vanners
they are nearly all happy to put you up as well just reach out.
do hope if we get good numbers and if people are interested
for next year we will look into a more formal weekend event.
you have any questions please reach out to any of the committee,
or email vcvcommittee@outlook.com.au
enter your van in the event please register through the Geelong
revival motoring festival website below, it falls under the
Shannon's Motor Show then select the Van council state titles
as your display area, you will need to do separate entries for
each day.
it is a free event we do ask for a small fee of $20 per van
payable on the Sunday to the VCV to cover judging and award
look forward to seeing you all there.